Center for Population Biology Graduate Student Affiliates
Aguinaga, Jonathan
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Investigating the behavioral drivers responsible for the formation and maintenance of mixed-species groups.
Faculty Mentor: Kate Laskowski Email:
Armstrong, Madison
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Human-induced environmental stressors impact adaptation of marine invertebrates through epigenetic and genetic change
Faculty Mentor: Rachael Bay Email:
Balstad, Laurie
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Marissa Baskett Email:
Banerjee, Shreya
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Rachael Bay Email:
Benson, Brooke
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Rachael Bay Email:
Blundell, Mei
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Marissa Baskett Email:
Brafford, Katherine
Graduate Program : Ecology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Jen Funk Email:
Brennan, Joseph
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Sebastian Schreiber Email:
Bright, Taylor
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Plant-fungal interactions; mycorrhizal symbioses; community ecology of soils; mycorrhiza-mediated biogeochemical cycling; marine fungi; conservation & ecological restoration
Faculty Mentor: Laura Bogar Email:
Callahan, Grace
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: TBD
Faculty Mentor: Jay Stachowicz Email:
Carroll, Calvin
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Community ecology, heat waves, species interactions, phenology, invasive species
Faculty Mentor: Louie Yang Email:
Chin, Maximos
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Introgression, comparative genomics, and speciation, particularly in poeciliid fish
Faculty Mentor: Kate Laskowski Email:
Coggan, Peter
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: My research focuses on the amazing group of pollinators called hoverflies and how they choose which flowers to visit.
Faculty Mentor: Santiago Ramirez Email:
De La Pascua, Danielle
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Plant defense evolution; plant-herbivore interactions; local adaptation; speciation; phylogenetics; community ecology
Faculty Mentor: Jennifer Gremer Email:
Dhamrait, Natasha
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra Email:
Erickson, Katherine
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Rachael Bay Email:
Fairbanks, Regina
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Using genomics, archaeological science, and anthropology to understand crop domestication, origins of agriculture, relationships between plants and people, and foodways
Faculty Mentor: Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra Email:
Ge, Gary
Graduate Program : Entomology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Louie Yang Email:
Groh, Jeffrey
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Population genetics, genomics, speciation and hybridization, recombination, species interactions.
Faculty Mentor: Graham Coop Email:
Gujral, Anjum
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Plant physiological ecology, demography, community ecology, fire ecology, forests
Faculty Mentor: Jen Funk Email:
Hardy, Kristin
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Brenna Henn Email:
Hayes, Tracie
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Louie Yang Email:
Holliman, Deva
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: My work focuses on microbe-mediated local adaptation and interspecific microbial transmission in corals and seagrasses.
Faculty Mentor: Anya Brown Email:
James, Marisano
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: The visual ecology of Strepsiptera, Arthropod vision. Physiology of vision. Vision in geral. Parasites. Evolution,including that of multicellularity.
Faculty Mentor: Jonathan Eisen Email:
Kaare-Rasmussen, Jakob
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Theoretical ecology; employing nonlinear dynamics to investigate the influence of human activities on mutualistic systems
Faculty Mentor: Sebastian Schreiber Email:
Khan, Sanaa
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Kate Laskowski Email:
Kitchens, James
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Graham Coop Email:
Liu, Jasen
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Santiago Ramirez Email:
MacArthur-Waltz, Dylan
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Plant-insect interactions, climate change, network ecology, and ecosystem services
Faculty Mentor: Louie Yang Email:
Meeks, Gillian
Graduate Program : Integrative Genetics and Genomics
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Brenna Henn Email:
Michielini, James
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Elizabeth Crone Email: TBA
Moheed, Serina
Graduate Program : Ecology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Anya Brown and Jay Stachowicz Email:
Monuki, Keira
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Local adaptation in marine invertebrates, specifically looking at the adaptive potential of populations in response to climate change.
Faculty Mentor: Eric Sanford Email:
Murphy, Claire
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Marine community ecology, specifically understanding community assembly, coexistence, and connectivity of marine invertebrates
Faculty Mentor: Jay Stachowicz Email:
Oyageshio, Oshiomah
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Host genetic risk factors for developing active TB infections in hunter gatherer groups of South Africa
Faculty Mentor: Brenna Henn Email:
Peoples, Nicholas
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Peter Wainwright Email:
Pollard, Kenzie
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: The relationship between phenotypic plasticity and genetic diversity as a response to environmental change in marine systems and the functional role of cryptic species.
Faculty Mentor: Rachael Bay Email:
Russell, Khalil
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: I am interested in the community ecology and functional morphology of Florida's freshwater ecosystems (which are inundated with introduced species), with a special interest in trophic morphology, feeding behavior, and feeding performance of the Cichlidae (a widely introduced family of fishes).
Faculty Mentor: Peter Wainwright Email:
Sandoval, Marissa
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Interested in plant-insect interactions, speciation, sexual selection, and the chemical ecology or orchid bees
Faculty Mentor: Santiago Ramirez Email:
Szeligowski, Richard
Graduate Program : Ecology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Andrew Sih Email:
Tettelbach, Christian
Graduate Program : Ecology
Research Interest: TBA
Faculty Mentor: Jay Stachowicz Email:
Yamhure Ramirez, Denise
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Neuroecology, neurobiology and functional morphology of bee brains- How does the brain evolve to support the to behavioural and ecological diversity of bees?
Faculty Mentor: Santiago Ramirez Email:
Yoong, Nicholas
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: I am a community ecologist studying plant-herbivore and host-microbiome interactions in seagrass ecosystems. My work focuses on understanding how the epifaunal invertebrate community may be impacting seagrass meadows and their associated microbiome.
Faculty Mentor: Jay Stachowicz Email:
Zabinski, Karolina (Caroline)
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Chemical ecology; host-microbe interactions; emerging marine diseases; climate change
Faculty Mentor: Jay Stachowicz Email:
Zeller, Kyndall
Graduate Program : Population Biology
Research Interest: Using genomics to understand how organisms adapt to rapid Anthropogenic environmental change and the potential consequences of rapid evolution.
Faculty Mentor: Andrew Whitehead Email: